
“Till I realize my dreams…”


By Mark Opondo, Nakuru, Kenya

Thanks to zidisha team for their tireless effort and trust they have on us with their money in improving of lives in kenya. This being my second loan with zidisha, i have not regretted being a member of the team and i have introduced quite a number of business people to join zidisha.

The first loan helped me establish a computer firm that picked up so well and the second one i used to establish a farm at home that is slowly picking up. I establish a horticulture farm. I dung a small dam, bought a water pump and pvc pipes. I planted cabbages and tomatoes in 1 hectare farm. the december rains was too heavy and the market supply was too high and therefore the sales was not good as i had approximated but i have not given up, what i have done is to give a second chance by now planting maize using irrigation and if all goes well I plan to sell when green and make big repayment of the loan come june.

The dairy farm that i also establish along side the farm is also doing well though the cow is producing little milk but still hopes to get a more productive cow that will produce much milk come december this year. i’m also rearing local chicken that freely roam in the farm. i started with four of them and their number has so far gone to thirty six and iam targeting around 150 come december. the farm is having two employees, one is casual while the other one is permanent. i part with kshs. 8000 on their salaries.

my humble request to zidisha is just to understand and support my business till i realize my dreams, should i become succesful in all my undertakings, i swear not only will i remain a borrower member to zidisha but a donor too. May the almighty lord grants your team more strength as you continue to support us.

NB: The old woman attending my dairy cow is a widow, she has been supportive to my farm and have leased me i hectare farm for the pastures. she is committed to seeing our farm grows.

You may view more photos and comments at Mr Opondo’s Zidisha Microfinance profile page.

0 thoughts on ““Till I realize my dreams…”

  1. I would like to join zidisha micro finance. I run a small hard ware in njoro town .i would be very grateful if i get assisted with loan to boost my small business to meet demand of my customers and to competite with big hardwares around njoro areas. Please help me to get into contact with zidisha microfinance. Thanks for your concern

    1. Dear Mr Kinundu,

      Thanks for your interest in joining us! You may find some introductory information for prospective members at the Borrow page of our website: The page includes a link to additional information, and another link to our application form should you decide that Zidisha is a good fit with your needs.

      You may contact us any time at our email address, [email protected]. Best regards,

      Julia Kurnia
      Director, Zidisha

    2. Dear Mr. Kinundu, this is Rebecca replying. I am a Zidisha volunteer. You can find all the information you need as well as an online application on Go the page for borrowers to begin the process. I hope this helps you on your journey. Thank you and best wishes.

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