
Three businesses named “Zidisha”

We’re so honored and humbled when Zidisha members name their business ventures after our community.  Here are three of our favorites!


Zidisha lenders funded Rachmat‘s dream to open his own photocopy shop in Surabaya, Indonesia.  Touched that so many strangers on the other side of the world reached out to make it happen, he named the shop “Zidisha” in gratitude.


George in Kumasi, Ghana launched the Zidisha Youth Empowerment & ICT Foundation using second-hand computers purchased with Zidisha loans.  The foundation provides internet cafe and computer training services to hundreds of teenagers and young adults in his community.


We couldn’t resist including the very first “business” to be named after Zidisha.  We found out about her in early 2012, when Client Relationship Volunteer Achintya visited Serah in the remote village of Mugaa, Kenya.  “I was a little startled when she said to me ‘Zidisha will start giving milk from next month,'” Achintya wrote.  “I later found out that Zidisha is the name of her cow.”

Zidisha the cow has been our unofficial mascot ever since.

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