
I Do Not Fear Failure

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By Betsy Ramser Jaime

‘I am Alfred Adjetey and I am a businessman who goes for locally made slippers outside Ghana. I am the firstborn of six brothers and a sister. I happen to be a serious-minded man who loves to take risks in my business. As a business-minded man, I do not fear failure.’

The two main shoes that Alred sells are slippers and sneakers. He shares, ‘My slippers have been locally made slippers which I personally go for them from Togo. My business has been moving smoothly and it’s growing as I’ve always prayed for. I always learn something new in getting my business to the highest level any businessman can ever think of.’

Since joining Zidisha in 2018, Alfred has been able to raise 12 Zidisha funded loans, allowing him to continually re-stock his shoe supply for his business. As Alfred set goals and started dreaming about the future, he envisioned expanding his stock to offer the best possible variety for his customers.

With each new loan, Alfred has been able to consistently offer new and different designs of shoes in his shop. He prides himself on being able to provide shoes that are both high quality but still affordable to meet a wide range of customer needs.


By 2019, Alfred could see his business steadily increasing and was proud to be able to hire one employee to help him with the business. On June 24th, he took to his Zidisha discussion page and wrote, ‘Thanks to Zidisha and all my lender’s my business is moving smoothly. With the money I received, I’ve been able to get some stock for my shop. Thanks, Zidisha for accepting me into your family.’

At the start of 2020, Alfred raised $268 from lenders to serve a new customer base, Primary, Junior High, and University students needing shoes for the upcoming school semester. Alfred explained, ‘With this loan, I can buy quality sneakers for school which costs less and this will be something everybody can afford. With this in mind, even the poor can afford it. I look forward to taking my business to the top by providing my customers with nothing but quality. Thank you.’

Most recently, in June 2020, Alfred raised his largest loan yet, $948, and shared, ‘As a serious business-minded man with over three thousand customers, I wish to apply for a loan amount of GHC 15000. As a young man who has been in business for over five (5) years and also with over three thousand customers, I will then be able to satisfy them with the quality product at an affordable price. This would also help me increase sales as well as gain more and new customers for my business. Because the purchase of converse is high in demand here in Ghana, I would be able to pay back my funds easily without stress if my request is granted. Thank You.’

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Would you like to impact the life of an entrepreneur like Alfred? Make sure to head on over to our Browse Projects page to read about Zidisha business owners around the world, impacting their communities!






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