
“Even when I close my shop, my customers do always come…”


Comment posted in our forum by lender mewesten, shared here with his permission

One of the benefits of Zidisha is the opportunity to get a glimpse of life elsewhere.
Member Eric Otieno explains why few Kenyan businesses close in observance of Sunday / holidays (sounds very much like the US trend since the 1960s):

Eric Otieno comments on Dec 12, 2013

You are most welcome Mr.Marvin…..I think in Kenya there are so many factors why many business are never closed on a public holiday:-

-Spend threat-Many feels when you take off at home you spend more and nothing is injected back.

-Many has views that public holidays are meant for civil servant and a few rich to celebrate.

-Kenya being a country in the third world large population have to work more of what they earn.

-Also competitiveness.No one wish to lose his/her daily customers to the other competitor.So you have to keep your shop open day in and day out.

Yes Kenya is a religious country but you find that only 50% of businesses are closed on a Sunday morning and come afternoon only 10% is close till the end of the day.

Like me i do close my shop on Sundays morning then go to church.After church in the afternoon i open.But the funny thing is even when i close my shop,my customers do always come in my house when they need something.

Today was a public holiday but believe me everything was as usual.What i know only Christmas day and new year are the only day where majority celebrates with their family.

Good time a head,

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