Categories: Africa, benefits, education, microcredit, Microloan, Zidisha MicrofinanceCan Microfinance Revolutionize Car Ownership in Developing Countries?October 7, 2012February 6, 2021
Categories: Africa, barbershop, Borrowers, inspiring, Kenya, loans, Microfinance, Microloan, shopBuilding up for a better futureOctober 1, 2012February 6, 2021
Categories: Africa, Borrower, microcredit, Microfinance, Microloan, Zidisha MicrofinanceTo love beauty is to see lightSeptember 26, 2012February 6, 2021
Categories: Borrower, business women, Entrepreneur, hotel, Kenya, microcredit, Microlending, Microloan, Restaurant, Zidisha MicrofinanceComfort Food in Ongata RongaiSeptember 19, 2012February 6, 2021
Categories: business women, Construction, Entrepreneur, Kenya, Microfinance, Microlending, Microloan, Zidisha MicrofinanceFrom the Ground UpSeptember 6, 2012February 6, 2021
Categories: Africa, Borrower, Kenya, microcredit, Microfinance, Microloan, Zidisha MicrofinanceMaking the right business choicesAugust 28, 2012February 6, 2021
Categories: Africa, Borrower, businesswomen, microcredit, Microfinance, Microlending, Microloan, Zidisha MicrofinanceBreaking gender stereotypesAugust 22, 2012February 6, 2021
Categories: Africa, Butcher, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, microcredit, Microlending, Microloan, Microloans, Social media, Zidisha MicrofinanceThe Meat Vendor of Karunga VillageAugust 20, 2012February 6, 2021
Categories: Africa, amazing people, Farming, microcredit, Microfinance, Microloan, p2p, Zidisha MicrofinanceA Little Caution Never HurtsAugust 17, 2012February 6, 2021
Categories: Africa, Borrower, Fashion, microcredit, Microfinance, Microlending, Microloan, Microloans, Zidisha MicrofinanceSuits for sale!August 13, 2012February 6, 2021