
Bringing People Back, No Matter the Competition

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By Betsy Ramser Jaime

‘I believe that life smiles on everybody but attitude and discipline differentiate us from one another. The little smile, the thank you, the neat work and the edge to render an immediate solution to a client’s problem will always bring people back to you no matter the competition, shares entrepreneur, Daniel Kpodovia.’

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As an entrepreneur, Daniel runs a business where he does data processing and offers business services. His mission is to be a one stop shop for all of the data needs in his surrounding communities.

More specifically, his services include: data research and analysis for students, typesetting, printing, photocopying, and selling used laptops.

While Daniel could see himself making little by little progress, he knew that he would need additional financial resources to increase his productivity and to keep up with the demands of his customers.

Fortunately, as a member of the Zidisha community since 2014, he’s been able to increase his productivity and supply for his customers. He shares, ‘Zidisha has been of tremendous help from a low beginning of one used desktop. With these equipments and materials in place, my work output and income will increase tremendously from the current one and it will help me pay back the loan at the given time. This business is profitable and it has been the source of my income though I work in other fields of life.’

Daniel was able to raise his first Zidisha funded loan in October 2014, for $100. He explained, ‘I tend to lose a lot of money from clients when I fail to meet deadlines due to non availability of printing materials. I have to purchase more materials in bulk and in advance to increase productivity as well as remain in the competition to win clients.’

The materials that he decided to purchase included: printing papers, toners and cartridges.

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The following year, 2015 was a big year for Daniel as he successfully raised 3 loans from Zidisha lenders and purchased a used photocopier. Daniel found that this additional copier would be a great complement to the services that he already offered. The 3 loans amounted to, $208, $379, and $402.

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After purchasing his new copier, Daniel was excited to share an update with his lenders on his discussion page as he said, ‘It has been great having you as Lenders. You have been so supportive and my business has seen a great leap. The photocopier is doing tremendous work, likewise the comb binder and the paper cutter I was able to buy from the loan.’

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Most recently, Daniel has utilized two loans in May 2018 for $1,766 and in January 2020 for $1,626  to purchase more laptops and computers to re-sell in his shop. He proudly shares, ‘Though I started small, by the help of Zidisha, I have taken giant steps into typesetting, graphic designing, data processing and now sales of laptops within four years. I can now make wedding cards, birthday cards, gift cards, invitation cards and presentation files, calendars, envelopes and flyers. etc. This loan will also help me venture more into data analysis and research for final year students at reasonable fees. Students need laptops for their research whilst others also cannot do the research, so need the help of an analyst and data processors.’

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Would you like to help an entrepreneur like Daniel expand his or her business? Make sure to head on over to the Browse Projects page to read other inspiring stories of Zidisha business owners all over the world.

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