
“Bringing happiness to my family and neighbors”

Fellow zidisha members, the team, and my most profound lenders! Its with much pleasure and cheerfulness of heart that i write this post, wishing to let you know that immediately i received this record holding loan, i wrote a wonderful comment, and as i tried to post it, my laptop lost network, and because it was not saved because i was typing it direct, i lost it. Please forgive me.

I got the loan within four days! This is truly a record time , thanks to the faith and trust you all put into me. As for you Ann, thank you so so much for joining the many people who had enough trust in me to push me through the finishing line.

Surely the school uniforms are the main thing now in my business, and as i am a tailor, i am enjoying the art of sewing plus when i cannot satisfy demand, i go to a wholesale where i buy enough stork for the season.

I have just done my shopping from the money you have sent me, and feel good because my shop is now full of beautiful varieties of clothes and items that attract my customers to the maximum.

The motivation i get from all of your stirs up my mind to a level of creativity i have never experienced.Apart from the fact that you help people financially reach their goals, the trust and encouragement you also give are a source of physical and mental revival which brings happiness to my family and neighbors.

My children are now in their school holidays, and the beauty about it is, they are all eager and interested in my business, and are learning from me how to do business practically as they brake from the art of theoretical learning which does not supply the practical business techniques. So you see, the business is not only good for me, but it extends to my young ones who are learning to be self dependent even at this early stages of their lives.

I thank GOD for you all, Bravo Zidisha, Bravo to you my most esteemed team. Bravo to Jason of Zidisha who rely helped me in my initial application of this loan. To all of you i say i love you and cherish all of you in my heart.

– Posted by Teresa Auma Mpetti, Ololaimutia village, Kenya


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