
All in a day’s work

Posted by Karen Gakii in Nakuru, Kenya

“Dear Zidisha team and lenders. I am overly excited to write to you. My business has flourished behond my expectations. Today I am looking foward to a very buzy day at my vegetables farm. I have some vegetables at the nursery, they are ready for planting and I will spend the day planting them with the help of one casual worker.

After I am through with the vegetables I will join my local youth group for a tree planting exercise which is a community based project aimed at environmental conservation. This tree planting project is an initiative of youth in my area. We have formed a group of 25 young and energetic people with the aim of empowerment both socially and financially. We meet once a week to organize our activities and plan our finances. We make money contributions and later bank it in our group bank account as savings. Members are allowed to borrow the money and repay in 5 weeks with 10% interest. This venture is aimed at advancing and strengthening the group financially and also bringing members together. Eventually, we will start a money generating project which will bring profits to the group and also create jobs for youths in my area.

After the tree planting exercise, later in the evening I will go back home to sell my vegetables. Today I am expecting to sell about two bags of spinach at 500 shillings [US $6.25]. and two bags of kale at 400 shillings [US $5.00]. I also have 20 kilos of cucumber which i will sell at 40 shillings [US $0.50] a kilo. After I am done with the vegetables I will go to my clothing business to do stock taking for the day. I will meet up with my business partner to discuss ways of improving the business and also to share the profits for the day. We will also need to plan our next trip to buy stocks from our neighbouring country which is where we usually purchase our stocks in bulk ,

Have a great day ahead.. God bless you.”

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